Brunton 5006 Metal - Kompas geologi - International Pocket Transit Compass 0-360
Harga : Hubungi Toko Geologist
Berat: 800g
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The design for the International Pocket Transit Compass effectively reduces needle dip when professionals travel to different hemispheres. (Call us for the special balancing required for absolute precision in distant areas.) Powerful Alnico V magnets are mounted to a polished, cupped sapphire jewel bearing, allowing for smooth needle movement.
  • Alnico V magnets for quick magnetic north needle alignment
  • Vertical angle measurements to +/-90° or 100% grade
  • A percent grade scale with increments of 5%
  • Induction dampened needle for quick, accurate readings
  • Sapphire jewel bearing allows for smooth needle movement
  • Magnetic declination adjustment allows for east or west declination settings to +/-180°
  • Short and long sights for increased accuracy when sighting azimuth or vertical angles
  • Precision aligned mirror with convenient "see-through" sighting capability
  • Cast aluminum body makes the International Pocket Transit nearly indestructible
  • Ball & socket tripod mount for increased accuracy
  • Leather case included
  • Overall dimensions: 3.1''x2.8''1.3''
  • Weight: 6.8 oz.
  • Made in the USA

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