Chlorophyll Meter Leaf Tester Daun Klorofil Chlorophyl Tanaman TYS-A
Rp 8.500.000
Berat: 3,500g
Total: Rp 8.500.000
`Beli Sekarang
`Tambah ke Keranjang
Mengukur konten kadar klorofil pada tanaman Versi bahasa Inggris Termasuk koper casing aluminum
Product Details - Measurement Range: Chlorophyll: 0.0-99.9 SPAD - Function: Suitable for measuring the plant's relative chlorophyll content (unit SPAD) or "greenness level". - High Sensitivity: The measurement time interval is less than 3 seconds. - Ease of Use: Rechargeable lithium battery for easy carry

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