Colorimeter WR10 Color Meter Colour Reader WR-10 FRU Tester Gauge Warna 8mm Handheld Portable
Rp 7.500.000
Berat: 700g
Total: Rp 7.500.000
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Introduction :
Colorimeter genggam WR10 adalah pengembangan colorimeter presisi tinggi selama bertahun-tahun, dikembangkan sesuai dengan persyaratan pengukuran pada berbagai produk dan mendapatkan banyak pencapaian optimal dengan kinerja biaya.
Berlaku dalam tekstil, percetakan dan pencelupan, pakaian, alas kaki, kulit, bahan kimia, plastik, film, pigmen, cat, tinta, logam, fotografi, mainan, obat makanan dan kontrol kualitas warna industri lainnya, analisis warna, pengujian sampel, pengujian lini produksi , juga cocok untuk cetakan injeksi, tinta, cat, semprotan dan warna tambahan lainnya.

1.Through the SCM test
2.Simple, accurate, easy-to-use, convenient
3. Design in line with industry norms, good feel, easy to grasp, Steady body.
4. Clear and bright screen, large font display, intuitive chromaticity diagram color difference bias figure shows color simulation.
5. Advanced Power Management

Technical Specifications :
1. Display mode: CIELAB
2. Color difference formula: ΔE *ab
3. llumination Condition: CIE Recommendation:8/d
4.Light Source: D65
5. Sensor: Photodiode array
6. Measuring Aperture: Φ8mm
7. Measuring Condition: Observer:CIE 10° Standard observer
8. Measuring Range: L:0-100
9. Repeated Accuracy: ΔE<0.08
10. Table Difference: ΔE <0.2
11. Measurement Time: 1 second
12. Storage Capacity: 100 standard samples and10000 test sample
13. Battery Power supply: Li-ion battery, 5000 times Measurement
14. Lifetime of Bulb: 5years more than 160 million measuring
15. Display screen: TFT true color 2.8inch@(16:9)
16. Interface of External: USB2.0 (USB-B), RS-232 (115200bps)
17. Working Temperature Range: 0°C-40°C (32°F-104°F)
18. Storage Temperature Range: -20°C-50°C (-4°F-122°F)
19. Humidity Range: Relative humidity less than 85%,without condensation
20. Net Weight: 700g
21. Dimension: 199x68x90mm

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