DCP dynamic cone penetrometer Test uji tanah lapangan untuk Field CBR
Rp 2.500.000
Berat: 1,900g
Total: Rp 2.500.000
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DYNAMIC CONE PENETROMETER / DCP For determination of field CBR value ( rapid quality control)
For rapid determination of field CBR value ( rapid quality control) . SO-151 Handle Stainless steel 1 Pc SO-152 Hammer Machined steel, Painted, 8 kg weight 1 Pc SO-153 Guide Rod Stainless steel, 16 mm dia drop height 575 mm 1 Pc SO-154 Anvil Machined steel, welded, painted 1 Pc SO-155A Penetration Rod Stainless steel, 16 mm dia, 75 cm effective length 1 Pc SO-156 Cone Hardened tool steel cone tip, 60o angle, 20 mm dia., stainless steel adaptor 3 Pcs SO-157A Penetration Scale Stainless steel, 16 mm dia 75 cm scale 1 Pc SO-158 Carrying Bag Water Proof cloth 1 Pc GE-730A Open End Wrench Vanadium steel 2 Pcs
Dimension ( l x w x h) : 115 x 20 x 20 cm Gross Weight: 19 kg

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