Kompas SUUNTO KB14
Rp 2.290.000
Berat: 250g
Total: Rp 2.290.000
`Beli Sekarang
`Tambah ke Keranjang
Measurements 77 x 52 x 15 mm / 3.03 x 2.05 x 0.59 "
Weight 93 g / 3.28 oz
Glass material: Acrylic

What's in the box? Suunto KB-14/360R Compass, lanyard, nylon pouch, Quick guide
  • Accuracy 1/3°
  • Graduation interval 0.5°
  • Scale: Azimuth 360°, Reversed 360°
  • Adjustable declination correction
  • Adjustable diopter
  • Saphire bearing
  • Liquid filled capsule for stable operation
  • Anodized light-alloy housing
  • Nylon pouch with belt-loop
  • Lanyard

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