Abney Hand Level
Rp 695.000
Berat: 200g
Total: Rp 695.000
`Beli Sekarang
`Tambah ke Keranjang
Polos tanpa merk dan tanpa kardus (OEM), dapat pouch merah seperti di foto. barang sama persis dengan merk Seco Abney Hand Level, Portable Level
The Abney Level is ideal for preliminary surveys, landscaping, or DIY work where the determination of slope, angle, and percentage of grade is Abney Level s scale is graduated in both degrees of incline and percentage of slope.
Use the Abney Level to find the slope and grade for :
  • Storm Drains
  • Paving
  • Landscape Design
  • Other DIY uses
Circle Diameter 30mm Measuring Range Angle: +90~0~-90 (Min. Grad.1) Incline: +45~035'; 1:1~1:100 Vernier Graduation 10' Plate Vial 20'/2mm Instrument Size 130mm (5-1/4") 56mm 29mm

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Senin s/d Jumat : 08.30 - 16.00 WIB
Sabtu : 08.30 - 13.30 WIB
Ahad & Tgl. Merah : Libur

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