Benetech GM640 GM 640 Grain Moisture meter alat ukur kadar air kelembaban kelembapan suhu padi jagung biji-bijian
Rp 997.000
Berat: 780g
Total: Rp 997.000
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Benetech GM 640 mengukur kelemababan sekaligus suhu pada biji-bijian

Grain Moisture Meter GM640

Product Name: Grain Moisture Tester Model: GM640
Functional and technical parameters Measuring range: 5% -30% moisture, temperature -10oC-60oC Maximum error: Moisture ± (1% Rh = 0.5), temperature ± 2.5oC (± 5oF) Resolution: 0.5% moisture, temperature 0-85% Rh Operating environment: temperature 0oC-40oC / Humidity 0.1-85% Rh Grain varieties to choose: √ Grain moisture test: √ Food temperature test: √ Grain moisture standard setting and excessive moisture Tip: √ Backlight control function: √ Celsius, Fahrenheit temperature unit conversion: √ Battery hold function: √ Auto power off function: 5 minutes without any operation automatic shutdown Data hold function: √
Size Host: 72 * 35 * 145mm Probe: 415 * 36 * 36mm Weight: Host: 190.6g, probe: 208.3g Power: 3 * 1.5VAAA battery

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