GM8910 anemometer barometric altimeter mini weather station 8 in 1
Rp 925.000
Rp 750.000
Berat: 400g
Total: Rp 750.000
`Beli Sekarang
`Tambah ke Keranjang
8 in 1 mini weather station
GM 8910 Multi-functional Digital Anemometer Wind Chill Dew Point Barometric Pressure Tester -40-10 Degree

NOTE : PRODUK BARU NAMUN KARET PENUTUP BAGIAN SENSOR LUX METER GETAS DAN PATAH (Seperti pada foto yang dilingkari merah ). untuk Tombol lain masih oke, fungsi normal.


Easy to Read: Large LCD Display with Back-light. Professional measuring instrument with large screen LCD display and back-light, easy to read data in dark environment.

This product is portable multi-funcation anemometer,and it is suitable fo measuring temperature,humidity,wind chill,dew point,wind speed,barometric pressure,altitude and illumination.

Measuring, Data saving and Unit switching function.

Adopting a matrix liquid-crystal display screen so that the display content is richer.
Battery level display.
Mini Size: Compact and lightweight, you can keep it in pocket. With a wrist strap ensures you don't lose the anemometer in a strong wind.


Model: GM8910.
Color: show as pictures.
Size: 122*48*21.2mm.
Material: plastic.
Measuring temperature: -20-60(1.0).
Measuring humidity: 0-100.0%RH(5%RH).
Measuring wind chill: -40-10(2.0).
Measuring dew point: -40-60(2.0).
Measuring wind speed: 0.7-30m/s(3%).
Measuring barometric pressure: 300-1100hPa(1.0hPa).
Measuring altitude: -500-9000m.
Measuring illumination: 0-55000Lx((3%).
Response time: 1s.

Mengukur suhu: -20-60(1.0).
Mengukur kelembapan: 0-100.0%RH(5%RH).
Mengukur angin dingin: -40-10(2.0).
Mengukur titik embun: -40-60(2.0).
Mengukur kecepatan angin: 0.7-30m/s(3%).
Mengukur tekanan barometrik: 300-1100hPa(1.0hPa).
Mengukur ketinggian: -500-9000m.
Mengukur pencahayaan: 0-55000Lx((3%).

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