TOPCON AT-B4A Automatic Level Waterpass
Rp 5.250.000
Berat: 16,000g
Total: Rp 5.250.000
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Topcon Automatic Level ATB-4A, seri terbaru penerus tipe AT-B4
With the IPx6 rating, the instrument is protected against powerful water jets from all directions, meaning the AT-B series withstands a sudden shower or torrential rainfall. The advanced protection design not only prevents water penetration, but also deters clouding or condensation inside the telescope.
Magnification : 24x
Compensator : -+15` Objective Lens : 32mm water protection : IPX6
Minimum Focus : 0,3m
1km Double Run Accuracy : 2.0mm
Sudah termasuk Tripod + 1 bak ukur 3 meter
Garansi 1 tahun
*seri AT-B4A tidak termasuk Plumb bob / unting-unting



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