Mackintosh Probe Portable Penetrometer
Rp 14.500.000
Berat: 50,000g
Total: Rp 14.500.000
`Beli Sekarang
`Tambah ke Keranjang
The Mackintosh Probe is a lightweight and portable penetrometer. It is a considerably faster and cheaper tool than boring equipment especially when the depth of exploration is moderate and the soils under investigation are soft or loose

Stang Dia. 1/2" x 1060 = 10 Buah
Adaptor Dia.1" = 10 Buah
Pegangan 1 Buah
Hammer Penumbuk 1 buah
Stang Penghantar 1 buah
Kop Penumbuk 2 buah
Conus 2 buah
Nepel / Adaptor 10 buah
Kunci Burung 2 buah
Tool Box

PRE ORDER 7-10 Hari kerja

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