Nikon Forestry Pro II Laser Rangefinder Hypsometer Teropong
Rp 11.850.000
Berat: 600g
Total: Rp 11.850.000
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Nikon Forestry Pro II
Nikon Forestry Pro II
Functionality includes the ability to remotely measure actual distance; horizontal distance; height; angle, and both the height (vertical separation) between two targets (2-points mode) and angle calculations for height between two points (3-points mode).
Nikon Forestry Pro II
Nikon Forestry Pro II
Nikon Forestry Pro II
Nikon Forestry Pro II

Nikon Forestry Pro II
Nikon Forestry Pro II

Nikon Forestry Pro II
Nikon Forestry Pro II
The external LCD display of the Forestry Pro II has been upgraded with an enhanced pixel count for easier viewing and three-level, adjustable backlighting for easier viewing in poor light conditions. Measured results are displayed in approximately 0.3 seconds regardless of the distance being ranged.
The Forestry Pro II’s Target Priority system is capable of reliably picking up and ranging extremely small or thin targets such as distant power lines and small branches.
For forestry work, the Forestry Pro II’s two-point measurement function can be used to measure the height of a tree when both the top and base are visible. Simply aim at the top of the tree and press the button to measure, then do the same at the base—the height between the two points will be displayed in both the internal monocular display and on the external LCD. If the top/merchantable height and/or base of the tree is not visible, Forestry Pro II provides a three-point measurement mode that calculates the horizontal distance to the tree, then measures the angles to the top and base to calculate the height between the two points.
Nikon Forestry Pro II
Nikon Forestry Pro II
Power distribution contractors and maintenance crews will find the Forestry Pro II highly useful in collecting field data for critical management and maintenance operations, including pole audits, tree and vegetation infringement, pole spans, line attachment heights, line sag and other key elements. Landscape, commercial or residential construction contractors and others will find that the compact ergonomics, ease of use and high value to cost ratio of the Forestry Pro II make it an indispensable tool for planning and executing myriad projects.
LCD, Video and Photo Gallery images are for illustrative purposes only.

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