Selenoid Valve genset Open Type 24v Engine Flameout Device shut Off
Rp 374.000
Berat: 800g
Total: Rp 374.000
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technical parameter
Working voltage: 24V(18-30VDC)
Purpose: 12V-2.0A24V-1.0A(full ofaction currentmoves in placeautomatically disconnect thepower supply,the working current of Inthe line of controlworking current: Travel: 53+ 1mm.
The maximum tension: 90N.
Anambient temperature:-30 to 60 DEG C
The action time:less than 2 seconds.
Anoverload protectionextinguisher:the load is too large orstuck,stop workingautomatically,avoidflameout devicedamage.Disconnect thepoweroffafter a period of time,re power,extinguisherfromfaultreset,can resume normal work.
READY, barang sesuai foto. garansi 30 hari
The flameoutdevice has 3lead wires,as follows:
Red: connect thepositive power supply:the cathode of a power supply(yellowgreenor blue)as the line of control:
Open type:control linepowerextinguisheraction,actionin place, release ofextinguisherpower,actionin place,automaticstop.
installation and notice
The installation and commissioningshould ensure theextinguisheraction in placebefore,diesel enginestop controlrodno actionto the limit positionand theextinguisherstuck,otherwise theextinguisherinternal overloadprotection circuit,automaticflameout devicestops working,theextinguishershould disconnect thepower,adjust the mounting position,back to theextinguisheronelectricity,flameoutwhichcan resume normal work.

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