Slump test set - alat uji slump beton teknik sipil
Rp 1.750.000
Rp 1.590.000
Berat: 30,000g
Total: Rp 1.590.000
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Slump Test Set
Spesification: Dimension ( l x w x h) : 75 x 75 x 50 cm Gross Weight : 30 kg
ASTM C-143 AASHTO T-119 For determining slump/ workability of concrete both in the laboratory and in the field TG -406/1 Slump Cone : Heavy gauge sheet steel, 4 " top dia., 8 " bottom dia., 12 " height 1 Pc TG-406/2 Inspection Scale : Machined steel, 0-15 cm slump measurement, 1 cm increment 1 Pc TG-406/3 Base Plate : Steel sheet, carryng handle, 650 x 650 x 5 mm 1 Pc TG-406/4 Scoop : Cast alumunium 1 Pc TG-406/5 Trowel : Pointed type 1 Pc TG-406/6 Brush : Steel wire 1 Pc TG-406/7 Tamping Rod : Machined steel, galvanized 16 mm dia., 600 mm length 1 Pc

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Senin s/d Jumat : 08.30 - 16.00 WIB
Sabtu : 08.30 - 13.30 WIB
Ahad & Tgl. Merah : Libur

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