Sola Pacer 100m Steel Tape PR100 - meteran gulung roll baja
Rp 1.850.000
Berat: 2,000g
Total: Rp 1.850.000
`Beli Sekarang
`Tambah ke Keranjang

Sola Pacer 100m Steel Tape PR100

Made in England


  • Durable steel tape with a rust-protective phosphate coating
  • Glare-free work and easy reading of measurements through a reflection-free coating
  • Multifunction end-hook for the secure attachment to pipes, nails or screws
  • Shock-resistant ABS plastic frame
  • Ergonomically shaped handle


Item description
Measuring tape
Graduations mm
EC accuracy classII
Material tape :Steel
Tape surface : matt lacquered, white
End hook Multi-function
Rivets for end hooks 2
Reinforcement plate Synthetic material
Material housing ABS
Colour housing grey
Housing formV-frame
Initial tape section B
Crank gear ratio1:1

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