Brunton 5008 - Kompas geologi - Compro Pocket Transit Compass 0-360
Harga : Hubungi Toko Geologist
Berat: 600g
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With a body made of composite materials, this Transit Compass is a lighter, more affordable alternative. It incorporates a cast NdFeB rare-earth magnet, precisely balanced on a sapphire bearing, resulting in a powerful magnet, which quickly seeks magnetic north and permits faster readings.
  • Single NdFeB magnet resists demagnetization better than other types of magnets for increased reliability
  • Vertical angle measurements to +/- 90° or 100% grades
  • A percent grade sale with increments of 5%
  • Induction dampened needle for quick, accurate readings
  • Sapphire jewel bearing allows for smooth needle movement
  • Magnetic declination adjustments allows for east or west declination settings to +/- 180°
  • Short and long sights for increased accuracy when sighting azimuth or vertical angles
  • Precision aligned mirror with convenient "see-through" sighting capability
  • Composite body material has less thermal retention
  • Ball & socket tripod mount for increased accuracy
  • O-rings make the ComPro waterproof for increased reliability
  • Leather case included
  • Overall dimensions: 3.2''x2.8''x1.3''
  • Weight: 5.7 oz
  • Made in the USA

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