JDC Flowatch FL03+ Current Meter - Alat Ukur Kecepatan Arus Air dan Udara
Rp 15.500.000
Berat: 5,000g
Total: Rp 15.500.000
`Beli Sekarang
`Tambah ke Keranjang

JDC Flowatch Current Meter digunakan untuk mengukur kecepatan aliran air maupun udara

Speed ​​measurement – Standard size propeller

Units of measurement : km/h, m/s, cm/s, mph, fps, knots and Beaufort
Resolution 0.1 for all units (except cm/s: 3 cm/s)
Maximum speed150 km/h (except cm/s: 999 cm/s)
Diameter (gas) Ø 20mm
Through hole Ø 33mm
Range of measurement from 1 to 30 m/s
Minimum sensitivity < 3 km/h – < 1 m/s
Precision ± 2% FS
‘Off-axis’ error ± 30° / ± 3% FS
Operating temperature -50°C to +100°C

Speed ​​measurement – Water propeller

Units of measurement : km/h, m/s, cm/s, mph, fps, knots and Beaufort
Resolution 0.1 for all units (except cm/s: 3 cm/s)
Maximum speed 150 km/h (except cm/s: 999 cm/s)
Diameter (gas)Ø 60mm
Range of measurement from 0.1 to 10 m/s
Minimum sensitivity< 0.3 km/h – < 0.1 m/s
Precision ± 2% FS
‘Off-axis’ error ± 20° / ± 3% FS

Temperature measurement

Units of measurement °C, °F, perceived °C and perceived °F
Thermometer accuracy ± 0.2°C
Resolution ± 0.1°C
Functions measuring air, perceived, minimum, average and maximum temperature

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