Yamayo Stilon Reel 50m - Meteran gulung baja
Rp 1.180.000
Berat: 1,500g
Total: Rp 1.180.000
`Beli Sekarang
`Tambah ke Keranjang
Meteran Roll dengan pita yang terbuat dari baja dan dilapisi dengan coating nylon yang durable

Yamayo Stilon Reel 50m NR50 Single Speed

• Superior durability due to tough tape edge rustproof tape even against seawater practically unbreakable. • Steel core completely enveloped with protective thick white Nylon...tough, durable and non-rust even against seawater. • Stilon's sturdy tape edges make the blade life remarkably long. • Unbreakable when bending to an acute angle and person steps on the tape and even if it is run over by truck. • The tape is not separated into two pieces unlike the breakage of ordinary steel tapes

Materials: Nylon coated steel
Physical Dimension: Width: 10mm, Thick:0.5mm, Tension 50N

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